Age: 23
Hometown: Rockwall, TX
Profession: Event Consultant & PR Director for Professional Socialites

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, mentally, I see myself with a Master's or a law degree (both if I time it right). Personally, I'd like to be married (but knowing me... there's no telling on that one). My daughter will be 10 (oh my goodness... really?), so being a good mother will still be at the top of my list. And of course, I plan to have built and expanded the brand for my company, Professional Socialites, on a grander scale.
2. If you were given $10 million (tax-free), how would you handle that?
First, I'd tithe my 10%. I know that sounds trite, but I need some blessings!! Then, I'd pay off all of my student loans. Nothing more unsexy than a chick with debt. I'd give $1 million each to my parents, $2 million to my sister. $2 million in a trust fund for my daughter, $2 million invested in my company and business ventures, and $1 million to invest and spend for my personal enjoyment.
3. What are the first three things that you notice in a guy/girl? Ex. Appearance/Style or Personality/Intelligence
First thing I notice about a man is teeth. I have a thing for nice, straight teeth. I have dated some real losers in my day (everyone has to kiss a few frogs), but they have always had nice teeth. Second, is grammar. Bad grammar is a major pet peeve, plus I have an overly grandiloquent vocabulary. If I meet a guy who can define grandiloquent, I'd be all over that! Third, I ask if they eat pork. I love all things pork, so I need a guy who can be as excited as I am about Bacon Salt (google it!).
4. Whats been the worst experience you have had with the opposite sex?
My ex cheated on me with a stripper, then brought me around the girl. I was sitting there looking stupid until he walked away and I thought to ask her about how they knew each other. Lol... Needless to say, it turned into a loooong night.
5. What’s your idea of a "perfect" first date or the "perfect" career?
I have the perfect career (Co-owner/Event Consultant/Public Relations Director of Professional Socialites). Perfect Date?... Going out to eat, talk and drink, getting insanely full, then going bowling or shooting pool. I suck at both, but it gives lots of chances to talk.
6. Additional comments/ Promotion
Professional Socialites Event Planning & Public Relations is a new company that was formed by myself and my best friend. We do wedding, social and corporate event planning, as well as public relations for the special events industry. Our launch party will be held August 11th at the Darryl & Co. showroom in the Heights from 7-9pm. Come out, mix and mingle, and get to know the Socialites. For more information: info@professional or
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